The Neon Unicorn

How to Support The LGBTQ+ Community.

3 out of 10 people who indentify as LGBTQ+ feel alone and isolated. It's time we make that number smaller.

This is a place where those who are in need of some encouragement can get some.

It's important that everyone has support. Check out our open letter requests to get writing! When you sign up, you'll recieve a confirmation email with details on where to send!

Jono, 16 years old

Name: Jono

Submitted by: Best Friend

Location: New York, NY

What's going on: Jono wants to come out to our friends. I know he's really nervous about it so I was hoping people would be able to give him some encoragement.

What you love most about this person: He's always so determined to protect and love others to the point where he forgets about himself. I love that he cares for others, but I also wish he could see how important he is, too.

Anything else you want to say: He loves the color green and The Neighbourhood.

Mackenzie, 19 years old

Name: Mackenzie

Submitted by: Sister

Location: Texas

What's going on: Recently, Mackenzie was caught blindsided by her ex. Ever since then, she been really down and needs cheering up.

What you love most about this person: She makes the best cookies for all of us and she always gives us some to take home.

Anything else you want to say: She is so strong, smart and generous!!!

Kim, 16 years old

Name: Kim

Submitted By: Self

Location: England

What's going on: I recently came out to my friends and they were really happy! But, I'm kinda worried about telling my parents and was hoping people would send me some advice!

What do you love most about this person: I love to be kind and share love with others!

Anything else you want to say: Thank you!

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